Thursday, February 27, 2014

Snow Day in Alabama

These two little Southern boys rarely get to sled.  What a great day when it snows and is icy and school is out.  Ice, ice, baby.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Here is another neighbor who lives on the other side.  He is very happy just to enjoy the warm sunshine of a Central Texas February.  Bluebonnets can't be far behind.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


There are patterns of dark and light in composition.  In this particular painting, I'm trying to create this pattern and to show the heaviest texture in the light.  The shadows are thin, transparent paint.

Friday, February 7, 2014

My Daddy's Roses

My father has been a rose-grower since I was a small child.  All our pictures were taken in our rose garden located along the side of the house where I grew up.  These past few years, Daddy has gardened the neutral ground across the street from his home.  There is a long stretch where he has installed crape myrtles, zinnias in the hot summertime, impatiens and other low-growing seasonal blossoms all beneath his gorgeous roses.  I picked this bouquet of antique roses, the old-fashioned fragrant varieties.  We just celebrated his 87th birthday.  Gardening and his volunteering and bridge group have kept a spring in his step.  He is an inspiration to us all.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


For Christmas, I received a new camera which color corrects.  I decided to repost 'LUCY' because she shows off so much better with the right coat.