Monday, March 14, 2011

Come a Little Bit Closer

Today's 6 x 6 is another practice with ocher, alizarin and ultramarine.  There are countless variations in tone and hue available.  I'm wildly excited just now having heard that my piece previously posted here has received First Place in the Midland Arts Association Spring Show.  The painting is entitled En Pointe.  What a thrill opening my mailbox to see such news.  A little encouragement goes a long way with me!


  1. Congratulations! You deserve first place! You are so talented. Congratulation on going global too. I love that you are blogging.

  2. Félicitations ! c'est superbe cette nouvelle et mérité !

  3. Bonjour, Weekend. Merci Beaucoup. J'aime bien vos photos et peintures.

  4. Suzanne, j'aime beaucoup vos palettes pour les natures mortes avec des objets blancs, une si belle douceur s'en dégage...


oboyoboyoboy! a comment from you!