Monday, February 7, 2011

My Fifteen Minutes of Fame, Gone With the Wind

Here is my Blue Ribbon Winner from the recent spring show at the Brenham Art League.  I call it Little Feat.  The colors are not quite accurate in the photo, the painting is 15 x 30 and is a depiction of my little Townsend.  First Place!!!


  1. your 15 minutes of fame is going to stretch into forever!
    great painting.
    anxious to see a painting of the memorial turquoise ovens.

  2. That is a great idea!!! Why didn't I think of that. The Mary Joyce and Joe Miller Commemorative Range painting. Did I tell you my mother changed her name to Meredith when she was about 65? She wanted to add a little sophistication. I guess the turquoise range just didn't do it!

  3. What a charming little guy Townsend must be. Your painting is a delightful look into childhood. Beautiful brushwork and lovely colors.

  4. Congratulations on your firstplace win! This is a charming and totally wonderful painting!

  5. J'adore cette toile ce petit bonhomme est magnifique peint de dos ainsi, c'est très réussi et cela ma plaît beaucoup, " bienvenue sur weekend et coup de brosse" à très bientôt!


oboyoboyoboy! a comment from you!